I came to Paraguay bursting with confidence.
Confidence in my health, my teaching abilities, my go-with-the-flow attitude, and my independence.
Yet since I've gotten here those have all been tested.
Concussion. Bruises. Sickness. Mosquito bites. Exhaustion.
Organic chemistry. Rowdy students. Punching. Not listening.
Busy schedule. Different meal times. Power outages.
Language barriers. Lost iPhone. Malfunctioning computer.
The confidence I had in myself and my abilities has been tested to the limits every day since I've been here.
I've gotten discouraged and beat up mentally and emotionally too many times in the last two months.
But that's not what I'm here for.
I'm here to be obedient to the Lord.
I'm here to shine His light on everyone I meet.
I'm here to show myself and the world that He is all we need.
I'm here to proclaim His goodness through my actions and my words.
I'm not here to be upset.
I'm not here to be sad.
I'm not here to be discouraged.
I'm here to do what God has called me to do.
Despite all of these trials and tests. I'm determined to come out victorious.
I'm not going to let homesickness, ridiculous amounts of itchy mosquito bites, uncooperative students, organic chemistry in my second language, or anything else steal my joy.
I am determined to remain encouraged that I am exactly where I'm meant to be and no lost iPhone, power outage, or exhausting day can tear me away from the plan God has brought me here for.
So, here I am. 4,000 miles away from home. Bites on my legs and bags under my eyes. Ready to be who God needs me to be.
I came here with a purpose, now I'm ready to fulfill it!