Friday, August 22, 2014


As the clock nears midnight, closing this 22nd chapter of my life, I can't help but think back on this year with a heart filled with joy. This year has been filled with so many great blessings and accomplishments. 

Twenty-two started off with an ice cream date with a friend from high school who I hadn't seen in years. This short afternoon interaction rekindled a friendship and reminded me of how interesting our lives can be when we follow our dreams and passions. 

I spent a wonderful night with my family, eating fajitas at Chili's and being serenaded in Italian by the balloon man. My dad gave me a letter that said how proud he is of me which made me cry in front of the balloon man. I am so thankful for such precious family memories. 

Twenty-two was filled with fantastic moments and milestones...

I lived with one of my very best friends until December. Those eight months living with Lyz hold such precious memories. I'm so glad we had the opportunity to grow closer before we got so busy with our careers. 

I found community. My Monday nights through January were spent with some of the coolest God-loving people I know. They filled my yearning for Christ-centered friendships and community after leaving the Olivet bubble. 

I learned about love. Real love. God's love and my love for others. A special relationship taught me more than I could have imagined and left a deep impact on my journey. 

I packed up everything I owned and embarked on the most challenging experience of my life, 4,000 miles away from home. 

I started my first year of teaching, which has been filled with laughter, tears, and joy. Many surprises, learning experiences, and lots of growth. I've felt inadequate and defeated, successful and loved. 

This year has been such a neat experience. I've learned so much about myself and have experienced so many new and wonderful things. I've traveled, I've laughed, I've cried, I've LIVED. Oh what a year this has been!

Although this year I won't be spending my birthday with my family, I've made a new family this year in Paraguay. Andres and Felicia have been such wonderful host parents, welcoming me into their home as one of their daughters, and continually encouraging and challenging me to be everything God has called me to be. I'm surrounded by amazing missionaries who live out Christ's love through their words and actions and have become my extended family and support system. I am continually blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people.

As one amazing year comes to a close, I'm looking forward to an even better one! 

23 on the 23rd. Let's makes this a good one. :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Sunset I Couldn't Instagram

This past weekend I attended a women's conference known as Encuentro con Dios (Encounter with God). It was a wonderful weekend full of powerful preaching and life-changing prayer times.
One special part of this experience was that we were prohibited from having our cell phones or cameras and for part of the weekend we were asked to stay silent to allow God to speak to us without distractions. 
The following is something I wrote while on our evening break on Saturday. I sat silently on a staircase with the little notebook they gave each of us and wrote while marveling at the beautiful creation around me. 

Masterpiece of the Sunset

The perfect blue and white marbled sky slowly
transformed into a rainbow of colors. 

The natural white light changing to orange, to red. 
The sky slowly transitioning into soft swirls of
cotton candy colored wisps seen through the trees. 

Like Christmas lights twinkling or red rubies shining,
the light of the pink cotton candy sky made it's way
through the crevices between each leaf as the wind
swayed each exotic branch. 

Then slowly the sky grew darker, like a blank canvas,
uniform across the sky as blue and pi
nk formed the 
gray-lilac that filled my view. 
The last bits of pure yellow descending into the horizon
for a night's rest. 

I look up. 

Straight up. 
Stark white against periwinkle. 
Just slightly crescent, with a shining, circular aura,
sits the moon. 

Street lights appear. 
The sound of a familiar trumpet beckons us back
for another satisfying banquet.