Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Pennies for Paraguay Update!

As many of you already know, though I'm not sure how much I've said about it on this blog, I will be heading to Lambare, Paraguay in January to teach ESL at New Horizon Methodist School. 

I am going as a missionary through Latin America Mission and will not be receiving any salary, which means I will need to raise funds for my plane ticket, housing, and living expenses. I have not received the actual numbers yet, but I have made a rough estimate of $10,000 for the entire year, including airfare.

One of the ways I have started fundraising has been collecting loose change from friends, as well as saving all of my own change. I ending up putting all of my pennies in a separate piggy bank to help me keep my vision in focus: Pennies for Paraguay.

I recently filled up said piggy bank, and posted this picture on Facebook and Instagram for my friends to guess how many pennies were inside. Apparently no one on Instagram took me seriously, because they all just "liked" my photo instead of guessing, I did however get a few guesses on Facebook. :)

So, without further ado, the grand total of pennies in the Pennies for Paraguay Pig was.... 763! :D

The winner of the Penny Guess was my good friend Tara Olinger, who guessed 775!

Her guess would not have been possible without the mad math skills of
Buddy Stark, who came in second place at 888.

Honorable Mentions:
Sierra Navarro 1,286
Josh Griffes 1,991

A big thanks to Jessica Manning who donated 338 of those pennies along with other change. :)

This brings my fundraising grand total to:

Plane Ticket: $361.93
Mission Support: $225
TOTAL: $586.93

If you are interested in donating any Pennies for Paraguay, you may do so online in two different ways!

For donations directly towards my support raising go to my LAM missionary page and click "Support this Missionary." 

For donations towards my airfare you may visit PayPal* and send money to me using my email address: 
(*Using PayPal may cost you a small fee in addition to a donation. You will also not get a tax deductible receipt.)

If you are interested in donating by other means, please contact me or stay tuned for an upcoming blog post with more details!

Thank you all for your prayers and support! I will keep you updated as I continue this journey!

Hasta luego! 
Cassidy :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Good Things

Today was one of those days, you know, the one where... wake up 8 minutes after you should leave for work and 7 minutes before you must leave for work... make good time on I-4 until hitting bumper-to-bumper traffic for miles and call work to say you don't know when you'll be there...

...your gas light comes on while at a standstill on the interstate, with who knows how long until you can exit... stare out your window after in hour in traffic, contemplating if it's socially acceptable to pee in the median on the interstate, because you drank a whole bottle of water thinking you'd be at work already...

...your whole body starts quivering in physical pain as you try not to pee your pants after finally making it to the exit... arrive at work an hour and a half late after spending two and a half hours getting to work when it should have taken an hour... arrive at your location at work only to find out half of your cashiering technology doesn't work...

...your day finally gets better until it starts pouring while walking to your car... drive home, soaking wet, for an hour in the rain...

you know, that kind of day.

But you know what? I've been doing a really great job at thinking more positively lately and being thankful for the little things every day. 

I'm thankful I woke up today in my own bed.

I'm thankful my car started.

I'm thankful I have a job.

I'm thankful for bladder muscles that work. 

I'm thankful for gas station bathrooms

I'm thankful I have a cell phone.

I'm thankful I have a job that allows me to make people smile every day. 

I'm thankful for warm showers.

I'm thankful I serve a God who cares enough about me to help me not pee in my car and who gets me to and from work safely. 

I'm thankful for today.

This song came on the radio twice while I was on my way home tonight (88.3 in Orlando and 106.1 in Lakeland) and I think it went well with my day today...

Every good thing comes from the Lord. We shouldn't take these little things for granted!