Monday, May 25, 2015

May 2015 - Ministry Update

Happy Monday!

Here in Paraguay we're heading into winter soon and the temperatures have been up and down the last few weeks. We've experienced several heavy rainstorms that have damaged some properties. One first grade student's house was damaged and her family has moved in with relatives. Please pray for her family and others in the neighborhood who have experienced damages.

The time is passing so quickly due to my busy schedule. Even on my one off day a week I am usually running errands and planning lessons, which makes it hard to find rest. 

Here's a look at my schedule this year:

Morning church service at Príncipe de Paz 
4:00pm English class with youth at Príncipe de Paz

"Day off"
Used to get done everything I can't fit in on the other days.

Tuesday through Friday:
I teach thirty ESL classes to preschool through fifth grade as well as private lessons to a couple different students at the school who want to improve their fluency.
Tuesday nights I teach about a two-hour English lesson to my friend Karen and spend the night at her house. 

Church activities at Príncipe de Paz
2:00 Young Women's Group
4:00 I teach the youngest children's Bible class (4-8 yr old)
5:00 Young Adult Study Group
7:00 Reunión de Jóvenes - Youth/Young Adult Group (17 and up)

Many Friday nights to Saturday mornings I attend training workshops for different areas of ministry. 
This month I attended a workshop on using games and sports in Children's ministry and a retreat for youth leaders. 

I apologize for the sparse communication this year, but as you can see, I'm much busier every day than I was last year and during the school day I don't have as much planning time since I have to teach so many classes. I often stay at school until 7:00pm to finish plans and grade papers or bring my books to plan at home. The twelve hour days are very tiring and once I get home I often have other things to get done before I can finally rest. 

I have also been spending a lot of time at the hospital the last six weeks with Nolberto and his family as his brother, Osmar, has been recovering from his motorcyle accident and cranial surgery afterward. This has been such an interesting experience for me, as I have learned a lot about the medical system in Paraguay, which I will be blogging about soon. As Osmar recovered in intensive therapy and later in neurology, his family members were left to sit outside in the parking lot, rain or shine, waiting for the nurses to bring out lists of medications and supplies that his parents had to purchase at the pharmacy for the doctors to use. After the first two weeks, visitors and offerings had greatly diminished, but luckily I have been able to visit each week, even on Pastor Felipe's birthday and Mother's Day, when the family couldn't be together. It's been a blessing to me to be able to get to know them more and be with them through this difficult time. 

This year has not only been busy, but also very stressful and difficult emotionally, which has affected my physical and emotional health. I visited my doctor recently and am working with him to find a solution to my problems. Please pray with me as I seek the Lord for peace and answers.

This year has been so different than last year and God is teaching me so many new things through the good and the bad. I'm enjoying my new church and the new opportunities to serve in various ministries and build relationships with the youth. Although my class load has doubled since last year, I am really enjoying teaching so many different grade levels and spreading God's love through my teaching. This year I've started teaching English to individual students and in my church and have really enjoyed it. Teaching English opens doors for these young people to communicate with mission teams as translators and build new skills as well as to travel and study in the US. I love how God is using my talents to help others in such a neat way. 

I want to thank you all for your support and prayers. Please continue praying for me and my health, my host family, my students at school, my church, as well as the country of Paraguay. Also pray for Osmar, as he continues his recovery through physical therapy in Ñemby. 

I am excited to see how the Lord will continue to use me these last six months before I return home. 
Speaking of which, I am still in need of funds to cover the last few months of my ministry here. I would love to find a few more people who would be willing to commit to a monthly gift for the next six months to help me finish strong before I must leave the field. Please pray with me as I continue to raise my last months of support as well as the funds for my plane ticket home.  

If you are interested in becoming a part of my ministry in Paraguay, please visit to give a one time or recurring monthly donation. 
I thank you so much in advance for your investment in the lives of these young people I serve each day. 

May God bless each of you abundantly, 
