Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Life Saver

This year I have been to two different countries, met many new people, experienced new cultures, foods, and languages.

I made a difference in the lives of others... but it didn't stop there.

Today I got an email that could change someone's life forever.

Sophomore year a team from the National Marrow Donor Program came to Olivet to sign people up for the registry. I was thinking about joining, but I ended up chickening out.

Lest year they came back to Olivet and I thought about it even more and decided there was no reason for me NOT to sign up. If I am a healthy individual who is capable of giving someone LIFE, why would I say no?

I've received several emails over the last few months, reminding me to keep my contact information up to date and some news about the Registry. So when I see a new email in my inbox from "Marrow Registry" I usually don't think much of it. 

Today the subject line read "You are a possible marrow match."
At first I thought it was a simple marketing email to keep me interested in staying on the registry or for new people to join, instead... It MEANT it. 

Somewhere in the US someone might need ME to give them a chance at LIFE. 

At first I was kinda nervous, but throughout the day I've been getting more excited. Maybe God put me on this earth not only to travel the world and impact lives with my actions and my words, but maybe God put me on this earth to save someone's life with the body and cells that He gave me.

So I've completed the first steps. I told them I was still interested in donating and I filled out the health questionnaire. Now the waiting game begins. 
Will I be the one this person needs? For now, only God knows the answer, but pretty soon I may receive a YES!

If you aren't on the Be The Match Registry, I encourage you to go to and find out more information on how YOU could save a life!

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