Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ready... Set... GO!

This is it! Today is the day! 

It's been exactly 15 months and 4 days since I left Honduras, and I've been dreaming about going back since... and now look, that day is finally here! :)

Although it still feels a little unreal, I am definitely excited! I am about to embark on a six-week adventure that will change my life!

Six weeks of loving on some of my favorite children in the world.
Six weeks to build relationships with new friends.
Six weeks to impact the lives of so many children.
Six weeks of ministry.
Six weeks of ESL.
Six weeks of speaking Spanish.
Six weeks in a different culture.
Six weeks of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Six weeks to experience God in new ways.
Six weeks surrendered all to Him.

I pray that I will be open to what God has to teach me, but not be so focused on what I want to hear that I miss out on how He can use me to reach others. I want to be an open vessel, for God's own personal use.

Melt me. Mold me. Fill me. Use me.

This is my prayer.

Honduras, here I come! :)

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”
― Frederick Buechner


  1. I can tell by your energy and devotion, that your mission will be accomplished. You will be a blessing to all those who's lives you touch!

    1. Thank you! :)
      I have been loving these past few days and I can tell I am making an impact here already. :) God is so good and the kids are really benefiting from the environment we're all helping to create here.
