Saturday, June 9, 2012

What's next?

I leave for Honduras in a week. ONE WEEK. This is all so surreal. 
I've already been on one amazing trip this summer, I can't possibly begin to imagine what the next seven weeks will look like. God is going to teach me so much and I am so excited!

The past month has been quite the adventure. Going to Paraguay was so perfect. God spoke to me through everything and I was able to make long-lasting relationships with so many new people. The trip has given me a new outlook on life and I am trusting God like never before and have had so much joy. I have seriously barely even gotten stressed, angry, or upset about anything lately. And those things typically come easy for me in the crazy situations that happen all too frequently around here. It may be cliché to say "that mission trip changed my life" but seriously guys, it did. 

Since the trip I have been praying about my future and talking it through with relatives and friends, and as of now, with some very clear confirmations from the Lord, I am planning to move to Paraguay next year after graduation to teach. Of course there are many things standing in the way of that plan, such as the most important - a teaching position in Paraguay! - but it will all come in time. If God wants me there, He'll make it happen. 

I am getting really excited about this possibility and God has just sent me a bunch of little confirmations along the way. Even if my plans to teach in Paraguay don't quite work out, I know two things: 1) I WILL teach abroad in the very near future, and 2) I WILL return to Paraguay in the very near future as well. I can't help but feel at peace about the whole situation. Every time I think about Paraguay and look at all the pictures (All 2600+ of them) my whole heart and soul just KNOW I'll be back there again, walking those streets again, talking to those kids again, living that life again... And I am seriously so stoked for whenever that time comes back around.

I am putting this all in God's hands and I'm just going to smile and pray along the way. I know God has so much to teach me in the next year and I am ready and willing to be open to it all. I am learning how to be the best representation of Christ I can be and I am also learning how to trust that God has everything under control, down to the most minute detail. 

My life seems pretty exciting right now, and I know it'll only get better from here. 
Thanks for coming along for the ride... :)

Church in the morning! Last time at LGN for seven weeks! Let's see what God has to teach me next....

Dios les bendiga! <3

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